Issue Tracker

Welcome to our Issue Tracker! This application is designed to help you manage and track various issues or tasks efficiently.


Our Issue Tracker provides the following key functionalities:

  • View Issues: Navigate to the Issues List page to see a list of all the created issues.
  • Create New Issue: Visit the New Issue page to create a new issue by providing a title, description, and status.
  • Edit and Delete Issues: Each issue in the list can be edited or deleted as needed.
  • Update Issue Status: Change the status of an issue between Open, In Progress, and Closed.
  • View Statistics: Check the statistics page to see graphical representations of the distribution of issues based on their status.

The Issue Tracker consists of the following pages:

  1. Home: The landing page where you can find a summary or dashboard view of the issue tracker.
  2. Dash: Offers visual representations, such as pie charts and bar graphs, to help you understand the distribution of issues based on their status.
  3. Issues: Directs you to the two pages named Current Issues and New Issue you can choose to login or you can continue normally.
  4. Current Issues: Displays a list of all issues with their details, such as title, description, and status. It provides options to edit, delete, and update the status of each issue.
  5. New Issue: A page where you can create a new issue by providing necessary information.